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The Hazards of Flowers to cats and dogs

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Who doesn’t love getting a bouquet of flowers or bulbs?

Cats and Lilies

It is important to ensure they are pet-friendly and do not contain lilies if you have a cat in the house. All parts of the lily are potentially toxic, including the water they are in and the pollen that can easily fall on the floor for your cat to walk in and lick off their paws. Lily poisoning is often fatal in cats unless treated within the first 12 hours following ingestion.

Dogs and Flowers

Bulbs are beautiful and brighten up the garden after a long winter, but make sure you keep them well out of reach of your dog. Daffodils are poisonous if they eat the bulbs or flowers, or even drink water from the vase. They can cause digestive upsets such as vomiting and diarrhoea or in extreme cases cause them to be very sleepy, wobbly or have seizures. Tulips also cause irritation to a dog’s mouth and gastrointestinal tract. In mild cases they will experience drooling, vomiting and diarrhoea. Heart problems and difficulty breathing are more severe symptoms.

The below plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables are also poisonous to dogs and some are potentially fatal. Please take extra care and avoid:

  • Apples (pips)
  • Elderberry
  • Rhododendron
  • Apricots (kernel)
  • Azalea
  • Rhubarb (leaves)
  • Foxglove (leaves and seeds)
  • Hyacinth (bulbs)
  • Sweet pea (stem)
  • Peach (stones and leaves)
  • Ivy (whole plant)
  • Tulips
  • Onion (causes anaemia)
  • Buttercups
  • Lupin (leaves, seeds)
  • Daffodils/narcissus (blubs)
  • Cyclamen (root)
  • Bluebells
  • Wild cherry tree (twigs and foliage)
  • Yew (berries and foliage)

If your pet has eaten a plant or bulb and you are unsure if it could be toxic, call your vet without delay. If possible tell them the type of plant your cat or dog has eaten, how much and when. If you are unsure what has been eaten you can use internet based plant identifiers such as google lens or take a sample to your vets so they are able to do this for you.

If you have further questions or any other pet health enquiries, call Pet Connect to speak to one of our expert Registered Veterinary Nurses who can help if your pet is ill or unwell.

By Melissa Pickburn

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